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"Vermont artist and Native American Shaman Susan Ross Grimaldi draws from a wellspring of creativity to produce pastel paintings that reverberate with wondrous insight and beauty."

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    A Journey to the West Taiga of Mongolia's Northern Frontier to meet with Khalzen, a Dukha Shaman
    By Susan Ross Grimaldi, M.Ed


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    His Story and Description of a Special Tool for Extraction Healing
    by Susan Ross Grimaldi, M.Ed and John R. Lawrence, Jr., PhD

The Sky Arrow - created by a Vermont artisan based on the Darkhad Shaman's drawings.

Click on the magazine cover to your left to download and read the entire article in PDF format
    Daur of Inner Mongolia, China, and the Tsaatan Reindeer People of Mongolia

Published in the Shamanism Annual issue of the Journal of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, Issue 24, December 2011

Introduction: Susan Grimaldi, M.Ed., FSS Field Associate specializing in AV Field Documentation, and John Lawrence, Ph.D. videographer and photographer, recently undertook an expedition seeking Daur Shamans in northern Inner Mongolia, China, and to find the Tsaatan nomadic reindeer herders in the East Taiga of northern Mongolia. In both places, they observed the shamans working and witnessed their ceremonies, interviewed and filmed them. While in Inner Mongolia, they were joined by FSS Field Associate, Kun Shi. Here is Susan’s report of their experiences with the shamans they met, including FSS Living Treasure, Daur shaman, Siqingua.

Click here to download the entire article in PDF format

  • I have had an article on Contemporary Shamanism in China published in the magazine "Shamanism", December, 2010, issue 23

         from the introduction...

  • Fifteen years ago, Kun Shi and Susan Grimaldi joined the FSS expedition to study the Manchu and Mongol shamans in Jilin and Inner Mongolia. Ten years later, the authors participated in the opening of the Museum of Shamanic Culture at Changchun University and published in Shamanism about the exciting new developments in China... This is a further update about the continuing revival of shamanism in China, with a focus on Daur shaman Siqinqua, who is an FSS Living Treasure of Shamanism. CLICK HERE
  • Healing and Trance Dancing in Grenada

an excerpt:

"(the woman) told me that a special event would occur, an event she called an 'African Dance'... the woman said there would be dancing to drums and that the people were going to 'feed the sea'... She asked if I would like to go with her.  I had no idea that I was going to witness an ancient healing and sacrificial ceremony... " Read Full Article


  • Allergic Reaction and a Shamanic Response

an excerpt:

"We spoke later that week. She told me that she had a restless night after the healing session when she dreamed of volcanoes, fire, and floods.  When she awoke the next morning, the hives were gone and she returned to work". Read Full Article


  • Observations on Daniel Noel's The Soul of Shamanism: A Defense of Contemporary Shamanism and Michael Harner

an excerpt:

"Instead of appropriating indigenous traditions, as Noel suggests, Harner is actively committed to helping indigenous people reclaim their shamanic traditions... His characterization of Harner's training programs is based on attending one introductory weekend workshop with Harner in 1990..." Read Full Article


  • Learning from a Master: An Ulchi Shaman Teaches in America

an excerpt:

"We see everything as living, seeing and feeling. When a hunter goes into the forest, he asks forgiveness... The transfer of knowledge from my mother to me occurred daily. I learned that you never need to think that you are stronger than nature... (Nadezhda Duvan, Wisdom Keeper") Read Full Article


  • In the Words of Shamans

a description:

From an amazing trip to China, I've been able to tell the story of three different Shamans - in their own words. Read Full Article


  • Tuvan Shamanism Comes to America

a description:

In July 1998, I joined with four very special visitors from the Republic of Tuva: Professor Mongush Kenin Lopsan, Ai-Churek Ouin, Sailyk-ool Kanchyyp-ool, and Rollanda Kongar. They had traveled from the center of Asia to California to teach aspects of their traditional shamanism to forty graduates of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies' Three-Year Programs. My great fortune was to be there to learn from them, video-record their teachings, and serve as one of their hosts. Read Full Article


  • I was featured in an article in the September, 2003 issue of SELF magazine, titled "A New Prescription for Happiness" by Deb Abramson. The section about my practice is called "Shamanic Healing - The Chanting Cure"

Here is an excerpt where Deb recalls her session with Susan:

"... her words are what stay with me. Weeks later, I remember her description of a whole self, along with her sky blue eyes, her attentiveness to my concerns, her willingness to travel to the ends of the earth in search of scraps of ether that are parts of me. In moments of doubt, I summon up her faith, both in the process and in me, and I feel comforted... "

Self Cover
Click on the cover to
read the entire article

In the Fall/Winter 2006 issue of Shamanism, Volume 19, issue No. 2, you will find my co-authored article, "Good News Regarding the Tungus Shamans in Northern China: Field Notes from Changchun and Wulajie in Jilin, China, May 2006" by Susan Grimaldi and Kun Shi'

Below is a brief excerpt (and great news about our friends in China)

"...Given the present revival of shamanic traditions in China, coupled with increasing academic freedom, Chinese researchers are valuing the shamans as transmitters of culture and keepers of cultural traditions..." Read Full Article (230k PDF)

Susan and Kun with the shamans of Wulajie
Susan and Kun with the shamans of Wulajie

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